Monday, December 8, 2008

Assignment 1

Here is my assignment 1 & my favourite character is Toyagumon from Digimon.
insert toyagumon picture here

Here is the original picture of Toyagumon.

I have compiled & have taken some screenshots of my version of Toyagumon.

This is what i first ended up with.
This is what I had after adding a blue lighting.

This is what I had after adding a white lighting.

this is when i finally decided to change the colour of the hands to yellow & this is my final piece.

How I created it.

Firstly, I used solid cubes to create his head/mouth pieces . I used glScalef & glTranslatef to move them around. Next, I created the neck & body piece using cubes & for the slanted part of the body part, I used glBegin(GL_QUADS); & GL_TRIANGLES since i couldn't find a way of using a cube.

For the limbs, I used cylinders & cubes with the help of some transformation stacks. As for the lego, I used cylinders and place them all around.

Lastly, I made the hand piece & eyes using cubes & cylinders and cubes respectively.

So, this is my version of Toyagumon.


Practical 4.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Practical 3.
Screenshot from CG Pratical.

End of Pratical 3.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Practical 2

Freeglut VS GLUT
The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) is a library of utilities for OpenGL programs, which primarily perform system-level I/O with the host operating system.

Functions performed include window definition, window control, and monitoring of keyboard and mouse input.

Routines for drawing a number of geometric primitives (both in solid and wireframe mode) are also provided, including cubes, spheres, and the Utah teapot.

GLUT even has some limited support for creating pop-up menus.

Freeglut is a completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'.

Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications because it is simple, widely available and highly portable.

GLUT (and hence freeglut) allows the user to create and manage windows containing OpenGL contexts on a wide range of platforms and also read the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions.

In my opinion, Freeglut seems to be the better version for usage. The features made available by freeglut can assure the user's code to be more stable. Since glut has several limitations, such as the "callback" function, applications working in GLUT might not work in Freeglut.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Practical 1

Practical 1.

Title of the Game: Godfather : Mob Wars

Platform of Game: PSP

Genre of Game:Historic Action Adventure

Developer: Page 44 Studios

Publisher:Electronic Arts

Product Model Year:Sep 19,2006

Game Requirements: PSP console.

Description of the game

The Godfather: Mob Wars adds a card-based strategy game to a third-person action game based on the most popular mobster film of all time.
You work your way up through the ranks of the infamous Corleone Family as you undertake a variety of action packed missions, such as mob hits and extortion. An exclusive Mob Wars mode lets you engage in a strategic card game in which you maneuver your gangsters aroundNew York City to battle for turf. Other gameplay features include a unique combat system, non-lethal combat moves and original missions as well as missions directly from the film.

Game Play
this is the part when we've just started off the game & the main character needs to extort money from a shop owner.

This is also where the player starts to learn the basics of being a mobster.

This is where the player needs to take over a racket or a hidden place which hold illegal activities.


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

The Godfather: Mob Wars looks good when you can actually see what's happening.
Camera aside, the models of the characters from the film all look accurate and detailed, and the environments also look authentic, even though you can't ever explore beyond a very small area.

The animation can be jerky and awkward, and you'll often see enemies twitching up against a door or wall for no good reason. There are also some clipping problems, which frequently cause characters to fall through floors or move through solid objects.


The audio is one of the stronger elements of the presentation. The voice work is fantastic for all of the main characters, and the music from the film is used well to set the tone in the game.

The sounds from the game are made for user who love surround sound as it gives the user a realistic feeling.


This game is an overall good game to play, considering it's played on a PSP. Even though having lost to other console versions of Godfather, the PSP version of Godfather has added a strategic card-based game, working up to become the Don of New York.

End of Game Review.